The final page of the guide is a series of very short videos. Pure achievement hunters will find this walkthrough allows them to achieve a 100% achievement completion expeditiously and efficiently. Players may deviate from the walkthrough and explore or perform side quests as they desire returning to the walkthrough to continue unlocking achievements. The relative few that we utilize will assist in unlocking achievements or provide some tangible reward that facilitates other game play. To that end, we will deemphasize side quests. If that is your goal, you can play the game using this walkthrough with the confidence that you will unlock all the game’s achievements in a reasonable period of time. This walkthrough is focused on obtaining all game achievements in an efficient and elegant manner. Exploring in order to gather reagents and discover lorestones.Two quest lines that were DLCs in the 360 game-The Legend of Dead Kel and The Teeth of Naros.

None of the bugs present more than a slight inconvenience. Moreover, there are a few places where an NPC can get 'stuck.' The walkthrough will make note of known bugs-all of which can be remedied by reverting to a save. This will ensure you always have an insurance file to fall back again in case of an undesirable outcome. The walkthrough ensures players are given advance warning, advised to make insurance saves, and are sufficiently well prepared to make all achievements unmissable. On the other hand, like most non-linear RPGs, it is forgiving. If you were to experience all the game has to offer, it would take a couple of hundred hours. You have countless activities, equipment, armor, skills, vocations, and combat styles.

It is almost identical to the older game with enhanced visuals and the incorporation of the older game's two DLCs. It is a 2020 remaster of the 2012 XBox 360 Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning. Welcome to the Kingdoms of Amalur: Re-Reckoning walkthrough.