You never even learn to build a fire or cook your food, which is something I kept expecting to be able to do. You learn how to “build” but nothing past a pile of leaves. You don’t get to evolve or do enough to make all the time and effort worth it. But once you’ve discovered everything, there’s not a whole lot to do besides hitting the same timing skill checks that you’ve had to since the beginning to kill or dodge or whatever else you need to do to clean up the last few milestones. Sure it’s fun exploring and discovering new animals and food. I understand this game was supposed to be part of a trilogy, but that doesn’t help the fact that there’s just not much to do. While I had a lot of fun with it, I was disappointed with how early the game ends. However, that’s where my enjoyment with the game ends. It will take you time to learn the game, but there is a strong sense progression once you do. There’s dozens of landmark locations for you to discover and all sorts of new animals and resources to find along the way. It’s a lot of fun to explore and learn new things and evolve your clan as you progress. I wish there was a 50/50 button for reviewing games. Ancestors: The Humankind Odyssey Directly Download Your clan’s ability to survive will be directly impacted by your choices, making each player’s experience unique. Focus on specific attributes or choose a more balanced approach to survival. Your decisions shape how you will overcome obstacles, increase your species, and what knowledge will pass on to future generations. Choose How You Survive Evolution was not written in stone. Make crucial discoveries and hone physical abilities that will be passed down to future generations such as Ardipithecus ramidus and Australopithecus. Spanning from 10 million to 2 million years ago, play as one of the first hominids and evolve over the course of millions of years during key stages in human evolution.

Evolve Through Multiple Generations See the physical and intellectual evolution of the first hominids as you explore, learn, and survive. Conquer fear as you explore unknown locations in order to expand your territory. Control different clan members, form bonds to create families, and work together to intimidate predators during expeditions. Expand Your Territory and Grow Your Clan Increase your chances of survival by uniting new members of your species and giving birth to future generations.

Ancestors: The Humankind Odyssey is a third-person open world survival game where you Explore, Expand, and Evolve to advance your clan to the next generation in the exciting new adventure from Panache Digital Games. Survive your evolution in Neogene Africa starting 10 million years ago.